





本書另外一個特色是所有的對話都是職場上真正的「實況會話」。幫我審訂英文的美籍友人給我的評語是「Very realistic and interesting business dialogues.」整個貿易流程像一個劇本,從故事中可以看到買方和賣方的互動情形,他們的用心和努力,以及貿易工作中輕鬆愉快的一面。

2015年4月6日 星期一

2-1A-7 立即上手實用例句

This can be challenging. 這就有困難了

The demand will grow if the US economy gets better.

We’ll try to build the machine within your budget.

I’ll calculate the cost and let you know the final price.

You can make modifications if you consider proper.

There will be some revisions but the change will be minor.

I need a few days to make the drawings for the prototype.

We will send you all the drawings for your approval.

2-1A-6 單字補充包

sacrifice 犧牲
Don't sacrifice quality for the price.

budget 預算
A good control and well-managed budget is the key to success of this project. 擅於控制預算是此項計畫成功的關鍵

prototype 原型;模型
The company is testing the prototype for a new model to be released next month.

feedback 回饋
I'd appreciate some feedback on our proposal.

finalize 敲定
Both parties will have a meeting to finalize this contract.


2-1A-5 貿易潛規則









2-1A-2 談判策略解析

對話  1
買方  Mr. Davidson 提出新產品的設計,初步的構想是開發一台縮小版的機型,降低價格,性能維持不變。賣方  Ted Chen 說明實際執行的困難點,例如準確性和穩定性可能會受影響。設計者的想法經常都是天馬行空,執行者卻必須謹慎小心。在設計和討論的階段,雙方都必須開誠佈公地提出問題,共同討論可行的解決方案。如果含糊其事蒙混過關,日後若發生問題將會更難處理。

對話  2

買方  Mr. Davidson 要求報價,Mr. Chang 先瞭解買方的目標價格及購買的數量。依照買方的預算控制新產品的成本,儘量達到買方的目標價格

對話  3 & 4

買方  Mr. Davidson 授權賣方  Ted Chen 自行設計產品的細節,並且作必要的修改但要求關鍵部分的精準度。Ted Chen 仔細研究圖面提出有關的疑問,並且預定工作進度,包括繪製圖面以及製作原型機所需的時間。

Mr. Davidson 要求正式生產之前,所有的工作圖面必須再作最後確認。如果發現問題還可以及時修正對賣方也是一種保障

對話 4

Dialogue 4 : Prototype
對話  4      原型機

Mr. Davidson: How long does it take to make a prototype?
Ted: I’ll check with our production manager and let you know. Normally we need about one month to build a prototype machine.
Mr. Davidson: We’ll finalize the drawings next week, and we can test the prototype machine by the end of January. If everything goes well, we can place our first order then.
Ted: We are making working drawings for each component, and there will be some revisions for modifications of the machine.  
Mr. Davidson: Can I have the drawings before the production?
Ted: Sure, we will send you all the drawings for your approval.

Mr. Davidson: 做一台原型機需要多久的時間?
Ted: 我問一下我們的廠長再告訴你。正常的話我們做一台原型機大約需要一個月的時間
Mr. Davidson: 一個星期我們會敲定圖面,一月底我們就可以測試原型機。如果一切順利的話,到時候我們就可以下第一張訂單。
Ted: 我們正在畫零組件的工作圖,機器也會作一些修改。
Mr. Davidson: 上線生產之前可以先給我圖面嗎?

Ted: 當然,我們會把所有的圖面寄給你確認。

對話 3

Dialogue 3 : Design Details
對話  3      : 設計細節

Mr. Davidson: The dimensions are given for your reference. You can make modifications if you consider proper, or even make your own design, as long as you keep straightness within 0.02mm/m.
Ted: The hydraulic table movement is electrical. Where is the cooling system?
Mr. Davidson: Here is the cooling system, but it will be optional.
Ted: There will be some revisions but the change will be minor. I need a few days to make drawings for the prototype.
Mr. Davidson: How many days do you need?
Ted: About one week. I’ll send you the drawings for your approval.
Mr. Davidson: Will you give me technical drawings in three dimensions?
Ted: Yes, you can see the drawings on the computer and please give me your feedback.

Mr. Davidson: 尺寸供你參考,如果你認為需要也可以進行修改,或是你自己設計,只要保持直度  0.02mm/m 就可以了。
Ted: 油壓工作台移動是電動。冷卻系統在哪裡?
Mr. Davidson: 冷卻系統在這裡。不過這是選購附件。
Ted:  我會做一些修改,但是變化不大。我需要幾天的時間畫原型機的圖面。
Mr. Davidson: 你需要多少天?
Ted: 大約一個星期。我會寄圖面讓你確認。
Mr. Davidson: 你可以給我3D的技術圖面嗎?

Ted: 可以你可以在電腦上面看到圖面,然後請告訴我你的意見。

對話 2

Dialogue 2: Price
對話  2     : 價格

Mr. Davidson: I need a good price for this new machine.
Mr. Chang: What is your target price?
Mr. Davidson: US$5,500, as low as possible.
Mr. Chang: How many machines do you expect to sell in the first year?
Mr. Davidson: If the quality is good and the price is competitive, we plan to take 20 units next year. We are recovering from the recession. The demand will grow when the US economy gets better.
Mr. Chang: We’ll try to build the machine within your budget. I’ll calculate the cost and let you know the final price.

Mr. Davidson: 這台新的機器我需要一個好的價格。
Mr. Chang: 你的目標價格是多少?
Mr. Davidson: 5,500美元,愈低愈好。
Mr. Chang: 第一年你預定要賣多少台機器?
Mr. Davidson: 如果品質良好,價格有競爭力,明天我們計劃買20台。景氣正在復甦如果美國的經濟好轉需求也會成長。

Mr. Chang: 我們會盡力在你的預算範圍內做好機器。我要先計算成本才能告訴你最後的價格。

UNIT 2-1A-1 實況會話 / 對話 1

PART 2   長期客戶 
UNIT 2-1 開發新產品  Developing  New Products

2-1A-1     實況會話
Mr. Matt Davidson is the Chief Engineer of Leo Smith of Leo Smith & Sons., Ltd. (U.S.A.) He has a meeting with Mr. Derek Chang, the Sales Manager, and Ted Chen, the Director of the R&D department of Excellent Machinery Company (Taiwan). They are discussing the project for developing a new surface grinder.

Matt Davidson 是美國 Leo Smith & Sons., Ltd. 公司的首席工程師。他正在和台灣  Excellent Machinery Company 的業務經理  Derek Chang 以及研發部門主任  Ted Chen 開會討論共同開發新的平面磨床。

Dialogue1: Concepts
對話  1    : 初步構想

Mr. Davidson: We’d like to build a small machine for the U.S. market. Small, but accurate, at low cost, of course.
Ted: I am afraid that accuracy and stability will be sacrificed when we have to make a small machine at a low cost.
Mr. Davidson: You have to try your best. This drawing shows our basic ideas of the new model. It is not too complicated. I think you have enough experience building similar machines.
Ted: Yes, the design looks fine, but I have to put everything in a much smaller machine. This can be challenging.
Mr. Davidson: 我們想要做一台小型的機器賣到美國市場。機器小但是要準確,價格當然要便宜。
Ted: 如果我們要做便宜的小機器我怕會犧牲準確性和穩定性
Mr. Davidson: 你要盡力而為。這張圖面是我們對這個新機種的初步構想。不會太複雜,我認為你做類似的機器很有經驗。

Ted: 是的,設計看起來還好,但是要我把所有的東西都放進一個縮小版的機器裡面,這就有困難了